European House of Yoga Light

Residential study with Karma Yoga program


Live in the ashram, serve, learn and develop spiritually.

What is Karma Yoga?

Karma yoga or “selfless helping” is one of the paths of yoga recommended in the Bhagavad Gita.

The act of helping is a liberating experience that takes us even deeper on the path of our spiritual development.

The study program includes a stay in the ashram European House of Yoga Light and gaining direct experience in personal contact with mentors – experienced yoga devotees.

European House of Yoga Light is an ashram managed by dedicated yogis of various yoga orientations (Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Siddhi&Siddha yoga, Hormonal Balance Yoga…) who ensure that personal development takes place in all activities.

Karma Yoga studies develop a new life discourse, as you adopt a healthy lifestyle, an open outlook on life accompanied by a strong sense of unity.

At the end of studying Karma Yoga, you gain precious knowledge about yourself, realizing the experience of unity in everything and coexistence with all beings.

European House of Yoga Light provides the perfect environment for the implementation of all education programs:

– basic 1 – training for yoga instructors, 200h 

– basic 2 – training for yoga teachers, 550h

advanced: training for yoga teachers (narrow specialization in the field of yoga)

as well as Karma Yoga teachings in practice.


Benefits of Karma Yoga Residential Study Program

Karma yogis are part of a community of like-minded people guided by experienced yoga masters at the ashram.

Participants dissolve the deepest energetic, emotional and mental blockages, while learning new skills and enjoying beautiful authentic nature, and participate in the ashram program in their free time.

Many blocking energies (egocentrism, jealousy, envy, difficulties in achieving developmental communication…) dissolve in the act of selfless helping.

One develops acceptance and unconditional self-love, compassion, tolerance and mercy.

Karma yogis overcome the feeling of separation, and selfishness – as a key brake on development – dissolves.

Karma yogis will enjoy:

  • healthy vegetarian food prepared without the use of chemicals
  • attending yoga classes
  • spending time in nature of national park
  • activities (helping in joy) for the common good

We are looking forward to the participants who will learn and help us organize our content (yoga retreats, regenerative and transformative yoga intensives) in the European House of Yoga Light.

The participation of Karma Yogis is educational, fun and respected by all participants, because Karma Yogis develop and at the same time help to achieve organizational goals.

Each participant receives a program of daily sadhana from the mentor, which includes:

  1. Work Engagement Plan – Karma Yoga Plan
  2. Personal development plan – which includes a meditative program, Karma Yoga lessons at The European House of Yoga Light

Every karma yogi has a developmental mentor who will guide him in daily spiritual (meditative and work) sadhana.

In addition to participation in regular development content, a special program of spiritual education is provided for Karma Yogis that lasts during their stay

If you are looking for a break from everyday duties, we invite you to join us in the Karma Yoga program for a spiritual developmental experience.

It is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the light of a developmental yoga practice that achieves creative self-development.

Experience a healthy lifestyle and allow the practice of selfless kindness and giving during your stay in the ashram to open the deepest dimensions of your being.

With the mentorship of experienced yogis, your heart will connect with the source energies within you, releasing blocked energies that hinder you from living creative fullness.

The Karma Yoga Residential Study program allows you to:

– experience, adopt, acquire and deepen your experiences and knowledge in the field of yoga

– experience and adopt a healthy lifestyle, creating developing habits

– experience coexistence with a stay in the European House of Yoga Light

– actively live your personal development with the direct support of experienced international yoga teachers

– gain essential and lasting friendships

– acquire knowledge and gain immediate development experiences from the Karma Yoga study program

The Karma Yoga program is conducted in two modalities.

Mode 1 – is a short one-month introductory program of Karma Yoga, which includes a stay in the European House of Yoga Light. Participants in this Karma Yoga program will be provided an accommodation and daily meals for a fee.

Modus 2 – Two-month Karma Yoga program with stay in the European House of Yoga Light.

Participants are provided with accommodation and daily vegetarian meals. Participation in this Karma Yoga program is free of charge.

Mode 1

30 days Karma Yoga studies

Program participants live in the ashram, help, learn and develop spiritually by participating in the programs that take place in the ashram during satsangs (meditations, kirtan singing and lectures, workshops) with the spiritual guidance and advice of experienced yoga teachers.

The daily program schedule includes:

– morning and evening satsangs (meditations, kirtan singing and lectures)

– vegetarian meals

– 5 hours a day karma – dedicated helping community in ashram

– participating in daily meetings of karma yogis

– yoga classes

– advisory meetings with a mentor aimed at the development of karma yogis

The price of the 30-day introductory program is EUR 900 for 30 days. If you want to stay longer, each additional day is charged at 30 EUR per day.

The price includes accommodation, meals, yoga classes and participation in some of the yoga retreat programs according to the schedule and type of work assistance.

Mode 2

Two-month Karma Yoga studies

The program allows for dedicated developmental dedication in the ashram and is suitable for yoga enthusiasts, instructors and teachers who feel the need for continuous development under the expert guidance of a Master.

This program implies a minimum length of stay of 60 days.

Admission to the two-month program requires an interview with the coordinator of the Karma Yoga program.

The daily program schedule includes:

– yoga classes (morning or afternoon depending on the schedule)

– vegetarian meals

– attendance at morning and evening satsangs (meditations, kirtan singing and karma yogi lectures)

– attendance at the daily meeting of the work team

– advisory meetings with a mentor aimed at the development of karma yogi

– help with ashram activities around 6 to 7 hours a day, as needed

Karma yogis are provided with free accommodation, free food, free mentorship including spiritual and work guidance. The two-month Karma Yoga program for participants with a stay at European House of Yoga Light is free of charge!

At the end, participants receive a certificate of successful completion of the Karma Yoga program.

The Karma Yoga program is available from May to September.

How to apply:

If you are interested in participating in Karma Yoga residential study program, you can apply via e-mail:

Applications are submitted in advance, and they are accepted until all available places are filled.

Within a week, if there are vacancies, the coordinator of the Karma Yoga study program will contact you and help you with the next steps.

Your request for participation in Residential Study – Karma Yoga Program will be answered as soon as possible.

Together in peace and love, towards another shared development experience.